"Vertical Relationship, Horizontal Love"


If you want to see God, this is the place for you


Ex. 33:18


Please, show me Your glory. 


At Vertical Life Calvary Chapel, Experience the fullness of God's glory. Discover a deeper relationship with Him and find strength to love those around you.

バーティカル ライフ カルバリー チャペルで、神の栄光に満たされる体験をしてください。神とのより深い関係を発見し、周囲の人たちを愛する強さを見つけましょう。

Seeking God's face?  Find your purpose and strength within the embrace of our community.

神の顔を求めていますか?  私たちのコミュニティで一緒に自分の目的と強さを見つけましょう。

sunset over a suburban street with telephone poles and trees
sun crescent logo with dove and cross
Orange sun circle with a white dove outline, cross, and triangular shape in the center, surrounded by sun rays.

Our Events 私たちのイベント

Our Events 私たちのイベント

Unveiling God's glory, one life at a time. Join us as we grow in faith and extend God's love to the world.



Hospitality House

“I Am Not Alone” Matthew 28:19




Vertical Life Group

“I Have A Purpose” Exodus 33:18



“You Can No Longer Say There Is No Answer” John 6:9


Come On Out & Join…

Let God's glory shine through you. Veritical Life Calvary Chapel offers support, guidance, and a loving community to help you on your journey.

Silhouette of people on a globe with sunshine and a cross and dove


あなたを通して神の栄光が輝きますように。ヴァーティカル ライフ カルバリー チャペルは、あなたの人生の旅を手助けするサポート、導き、愛情あふれるコミュニティを提供します。

About VLCC

More than “church”, a family. We offer comprehensive support – from spiritual guidance and crisis intervention to practical needs and community outreach.

Find hope, healing, and belonging. We provide counseling, a food pantry, chaplaincy services, and discipleship programs to empower your life.

Serving our community, strengthening our faith. We support military members, local residents, and those in need, offering a hand to help with a heart of compassion.

Building a stronger community, one life at a time. Our compassionate team is here to walk alongside you, offering spiritual guidance and practical resources.

Rooted in faith, reaching out in love. Discover a place of belonging where you can grow spiritually, serve others, and find lasting support.


「教会」を超えた、家族。  私たちは、精神的な指導や現実的なニーズへの危機介入や地域社会への支援まで、包括的なサポートを提供します。

コミュニティに奉仕し、信仰を強めます。  私たちは軍人、地域住民、困っている人たちを支援し、思いやりを持った手伝い手を提供します。

信仰に根ざし、愛を持って手を差し伸べます。  霊的に成長し、他者に奉仕し、永続的なサポートを見つけることができる居場所を見つけてください。


一生に一度の人生で、より強力なコミュニティを構築します。  私たちの思いやりのあるチームがあなたとともに歩み、スピリチュアルな指導と実践的なリソースを提供します。

Discipleship Class @ Hospitality House 11AM Sunday’s.

Filipino Bible Study’s The Last Sunday Of Every Month.

Hospitality House Study & Worship 11AM Saturday’s.

弟子のクラスは HOSPITALITY HOUSE 日曜日の午前 11 時

Discipleship Class is a place where we dig deep into what God says to address the topics we live through in life (examining the tree by tree through the forest of the Bible).

Filipino Study we focus on line-by-line invetigation survey of the Bible through a Tagalog based presentation.

Saturday Biblical Study Class is the where we go through the scripture together for the broader application and understandings that is shown (examining the broader range of the forest of the Word).

ホスピタリティ ハウス(おもてなしハウス)の学習と礼拝は土曜日 午前 11 時

フィリピン聖書研究会は毎月最終日曜日 午後1時&午後6時

Contact VLCC

Sidewalk chalk drawing with rainbow and animals